Friday, February 28, 2014

What to plant for deer?

There are many things to plant for a deer. Most people plant there grasses or oats on a food plot. There are many things to plant in a food plot. I have always planted rye-grass and clover. Those seem to do the trick most of the time, but it all depends on where you live. My uncle hunted in Missouri and said he saw a 2 ½ year old deer that looked about the size of a 4 year old deer here in Alabama. But you must keep in mind that those deer soy-beans and corn which is a super big protein provider and It’s so cold up there they must have more meat on their bones. Anyway, I like to hunt over acorns such as white acorns. They eat them up. Hunting is an all year around thing if you are serious about it. You can always plant red clover, rape; just whatever you feel works where you live.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to tell how old a deer is?

There is many ways to tell how old a deer is. Once you get good at it, well it isn’t very hard. Well by now you want me to explain well here you go. If it has big antlers it is probably 3 or 4 but you always wanna make sure. Sometimes when the deer is 300 to 400 yards away it is hard to tell. You can tell by the tone of his skin and his body size. If the deer has an arch in his back, real dark, and looks real heavy he is probably old. Remember however always study the bucks antlers and size before putting a bullet or arrow through him. Once you kill it you can always look at his head. You can see if the deer is 8 or 9 just buy the teeth and the huge dent in his forehead. Also if the deer has no teeth, he’s old. There is some way to tell buy the teeth but I am 14 and I’m still learning as well. But with those tips and tricks you can tell how old a buck is. You may also want to ask an experienced hunter if you aren’t 100% sure but trust your instinct.

Friday, February 14, 2014

What kind of deer to kill?

On this blog we will talk managing white-tail deer. I live in Alabama so I don’t know how to manage different types of deer. Anyway, the subject on this blog is what not to kill and what to kill. My dad always said. If its outside the ears and the antlers look tall shoot it. Now there is a lot more to that and he told me everything, but you can tell a lot about how old a deer is by looking at it. If he has a big head and a dent in the forehead and a curve back and just looks old, well he’s old. You really need to study the deer and make sure that the deer you are about to put a bullet through is worth putting a bullet through. You really need to look at the deer. Make sure it’s a big deer and he isn’t some two year old deer that has a basket-rack that can grow a lot more. You need to hunt with someone experienced and learn from them, because in hunting practice, watching, and listening is the best way to learn.


Also check out me and my friend YouTube channel, we discuss deer management:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Introduction to blog

Hey guys my name is Layne Woodall and I am 14 years old and I go to Auburn Junior High School in the great state of Alabama. I am in 9th grade and I am interested in wrestling and hunting. One of my favorite types of hunting is deer hunting. I do it a lot and I enjoy it. When I was about 9 years old my dad taught me about managing deer. I was really interested and I fell in love with it. That’s what this blog is going to be about is deer management. I will talk about how to go into a piece of land and in 4 or 5 years you can have big bucks. I will talk about the laws and some stories of my hunts and I may video some hunts so you can get the feel of it and see if you are interested. I will talk about how the react to the moon and weather. By the time of next season you will know about deer hunting and management.