Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What kind of items should you have to deer hunt?

In this blog you will learn what you should take and what you should not take deer hunting. You should always have a weapon. That’s either a rifle, compound/ long bow, crossbow, muzzle loader, etc. You should always be wearing full camouflage. Gloves and Mask should be worn if you want chances bigger, but it is okay if you are sitting in a shooting house. During deer season it is usually cold so I would wear good pants, coat, plenty of shirts, wool socks, and insulated boots. You always need to have an orange vest or hat, so you don’t get shot. Next thing you need is things to call in the deer. If it is non-rut then you are just going to have to sit and wait. When in rut there are a lot of things you need to call in the deer. You need to find a good rub or scrap and put doe urine on there. You need to have an antler bag or horns. You only need to do this about every 30 minutes. The antler bag will make the curious and they may come. You also need a doe in heat call and a grunt call. Those come in handy. The doe in heat call get those bucks hot and the grunt call makes them jealous. Always remember don’t over call. Also when a smaller buck comes in kind of skittish, there is a probably another big buck out there. Like I always say patience is the key to being a successful deer hunter.